Thursday, June 25, 2009


Garage sales can be just the thing

... as can Freecycle.

Last year, I was given a Softub on Freecycle. I was SO excited, having drooled over them online many times. They are lightweight and come with an external pump, so seemed a perfect thing for my patio.

I tied the tub to the roof of my car and drove home (within my small Island City) at about 20 mph. Untied it, and rolled it into the back yard. My neighbor helped me hook up the pump, realizing that the tubes that connect it need replacing. We turned the pump on and it leaked, as expected, but worked so well that I was splashed with water from a high jet!

Then... nothing. I never got off my heinie to go get new connection tubes. It's been nearly a year, I think. I finally got real and decided

-if I haven't gotten the tubes by now, I never will, and
-um, duh, I hate to be boiled like stew anyway.

I was never going to do it. So I relisted it on Freecycle, got a lot of requests as expected, and chose a man with arthritis (and whose name is the same as my dad's middle name), and he took it away yesterday.

What a relief!

And this Saturday, we're having a garage sale. We had one last year and got rid of so much stuff that when G suggested having another one, I didn't think we had enough to sell off. But now, the more I think about it, the more I'm ready to get rid of TONS of stuff. What a lifting of the burden it will be! I just added more things to my CraigsList ad.

Yay to getting rid of stuff, and Yay to making a little cash, and Yay to getting off my heinie and getting things I don't want OUT of my house!

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